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Featured Packages

Asian couple embracing on beach.
Relationship Coaching

My method combines the Gottman Counselling approach and co-active coaching techniques. I work with couples dedicated to building a successful monogamous, long term relationship. The Gottmans are leading experts in the field of long term relationship success. Co-Active coaching is a practice that has been used with great success to hold people accountable and support people in their transformations. What’s a transformation anyway? Simply put, a transformation is moving from the current state to a desired state.

If you have had the same issues over and over again, can’t seem to hear each other or the spark you had initially just won’t reignite, my coaching package is designed for you. Let’s start with a discovery call to see if we’re a good fit for couples coaching.

Free 15 min consultation beforehand.
$428 for 4 Initial Sessions package (45 mins each).

Woman lying in bed alone.
Divorce/Separation Support

You have made the decision to separate/divorce. But now what? You need to move forward and create a new vision for yourself. I will work with you to create that life. To be healthy physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.

Free 15 min consultation beforehand.
$95 – 45 min session.
$500 – 6 sessions.

Black couple laughing while therapist watches them.
Reconciliation Support

If you and your partner find your communication is mostly criticism? Do you find you need to defend yourself or that your partner is saying they feel attacked when you talk? Do you or your partner avoid conversations or interactions with each other regularly or especially when it comes to forbidden or touchy subjects?

I work with couples to recover and reconcile even through these situations and to recover trust after it seems like otherwise all hope is lost.

Free 15 min consultation beforehand.
$428 for 4 Initial Sessions package (45 mins each).

Customer service rep wearing headset.
General Support

To be used either with other packages or for support when we no longer need to meet regularly. This allows my clients to have short support calls as needed either between sessions or when we have moved on to less formal work together.
$95/hr billed in 15/min increments